Ice Cream Cardboard Cutout Makeover

Ice Cream Cardboard Cutout Makeover

Ice Cream Cardboard Cutout Makeover is a terrific way to bring life back to a cardboard cutout that has been faded in the sun. This cardboard cutout sits in the front window of my ice cream shop. The original colors were subtle, but did really fade out.

Here is the original cutout. I don’t remember where I purchased it from. Just do a web search and something will show up. The cutout still stands quite nicely, so that’s why I decided to paint it.

The cutout was painted with any acrylic paint that I had laying around. I didn’t focus on painting the edges perfectly. Some of the colors chosen were different than the original. Don’t be afraid to do this. It took a couple coats to cover the cardboard.

When the painting is complete, spray with a clear sealer. Be sure not to spray too soon or spray too close to the cutout. This cutout turned out so nice. The colors are so vibrant now. This is a great idea to paint a cutout that is still in good condition and can stand up. I recommend it.

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